Like a Buffalo Chip: George A. Beaver does not understand his "easment" obligation....

Community Property "Easment"

Buffalo Chip | Photographic Images | George A. Beaver Jr. | Maps 'n' Graphics

There's a driveway between 203 and 205 Smyrna Ave.
It's an "easment" and both property owners are required to maintain egress and ingress (Access.)

In the more than five years old aerial photograph above, my "neighbors" property is outlined in pink. My property is immediately to the right of his, and that white object in the driveway between our properties is a red Jeep snow plow with a white fiberglass top.
The arrow in the lower left corner of the picture points NORTH.

This website:

Like a buffalochip: George A. Beaver does not understand his easment obligation to his next door neighbor for more than 25 years! A quarter of a century of contempt....
