The all new, reassembeled with a few new musicians, Strings of Prussia features a high powered bluegrass drive train but operates
in many modes including swing, calmer, bluegrass, country, folk and rock. Formed in 1995, the all new Strings of Prussia features
Travis (The Mad Fiddler.) Wetzel, who has appeared on the Grand Ole Opry, Mark Schultz on banjo and dobro guitar, Downing
Jacobs on guitar, Pete Renzetti on mandolin, Ron Greenstein on bass and Tom Cook on guitar and mandolin. The band's unique
eclectic mix of up-tempo vocals and instrumentals always guarantees a good time. If you like music performed by accoustic
instruments, you're gonna' love how the Strings of Prussia re-define bluegrass music....
The pictures on this site were recorded on Sunday, September 3, 2006 at the Arden Fair.

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Always here. Even when I'm not! |

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Greenville, Delaware

Jim Beaver, 203 Smyrna Avenue, Gwinhurst, Brandywine Hundred, New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware, 19809-1236, U.S.A.
Steinberger guitars, Hewlett Packard calculators and very much more for sale at this URL: http://jim19809.tripod.com.
Phone: 302 798 0195.



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https://homoprogrammus.tripod.com/jdlandscaping |